Monday, September 30, 2019

An oral history of the zombie war Essay

Though perhaps not as â€Å"academic† as the other sources in this bibliography, the oral history of the zombie war is an important side note to the whole genre. In Brooks’ book, there are several moments, while recounting the battles with the zombies, where they are told from the point of view of the liberators. In fact, in his story, he coins the phrase â€Å"LAMOE† which stands â€Å"Last men on earth†. These individuals, much like the character played by Will Smith, had been left behind, the infected zones to fend for themselves. Often, as the story is told, these people left behind, were not all too happy to be â€Å"liberated†, as they had conditioned themselves to the isolation of being, and believing they were the last â€Å"people† on earth. In this sense, the film version and incidentally the book, deal with these concepts from the point of view of the isolated; but, what if they were to be told from the point of view of the liberators? Campbell, Joseph. â€Å"The Hero with a Thousand Faces† Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1949. Joseph Campbell’s book, is an overview of legends and the masks our heroes wear. Both in the film version and the book version of I Am Legend, the Robert Neville character must go through various trials; which, ultimately in the film version, leads to his transformation from this plane of existence to another. (Mainly, by dying) The first trial, is simple isolation, which Campbell explicitly describes as one of the most common trails of mythology. Additionally, in the film, the main character exhibits a certain arrogance, which ultimately turns around on him. I. E the way he had caught the other zombie, the trick sort to speak, was used against him later in the movie. Giglioli, Palo Pier. Language and Social Context. New York: Penguin. 1972. It should be of note: the original book written by Matheson, had a lead character who was white; whereas the film version cast the lead character as black. Setting aside the box-office appeal of Will Smith for a moment, what were some of the other reasons for the change of race? Could the film be taken as an commentary of the plight of successful African-Americans, being isolated, though working desperately to help their friends, family and peer group? If the film is viewed in this light, one could most accurately argue that it is in fact a commentary on racial issues within a particular racial group. Hellekson, Karen Ph. D. The alternate history (Refiguring Historical Time). Kent: Kent State University Press, 2001. Through out her review of the alternate history genera of story telling, Karen Hellekson, makes not of the function of the story being told. If one were to apply her same method of criticism to the movie version of I AM Legend, we would find that it too is an alternate history. Obviously, fictions, the film I Am Legend, begins with the initial out-break, due to the cancer fighting drug. Although, this is told in a â€Å"present† narrative, the inclusion, of these scenes are to create an artificial history in the story’s time line. Matheson, Richard. â€Å"I AM LEGEND† London: Orion Books, 1954. Naturally, the movie version starring Will Smith is radically divergent from the original book published in 1954. An example of one such divergence, is in the role of the main character. In the original works, the main character, was a former Marine, whereas in the film version, he is a current Marine working with the CDC. Another divergence, which actually changes the nature of the title, is found at the ending of both the book and the film. In the film version, the main character becomes legendary, due to how he dies; whereas the book version, Robert Neville, is legendary due to him being the last non-infected â€Å"human† or in essence the last man on earth. Twain, Mark. â€Å"On the Damned Human Race† A collection of Essays Edited by Janet Smith. 1962. An argument could be made that both the film and the original fiction, had been a commentary on the human condition, the human race. Twin’s wit and insight into the social conditions apply aptly to both the film version and the book. The fact Robert Neville takes it upon himself to â€Å"cure† the world is manifestly anti-twian-ian. â€Å"it is the ghost, of fool-hardy chivalry† as Twain would say, about the lengths the character goes to rid the world of something, that it seems more than happy to live with.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

MCHC Paper

Perhaps what he as most well known for is the fact that he performed many late-term abortions on these women. Late term abortions are heavily criticized and debated throughout the world today and thus, he received much scrutiny, eventually paving the road for his future (Masters, 2013). Late term abortions are those that take place late into the term of the woman's pregnancy and can be done as late as 35 weeks into a pregnancy. The process for these types of abortions is very graphic: a lethal dose of Dioxin, a heart medicine, is injected into the heart of the baby in the amniotic fluid through the woman's abdomen.This causes the baby to have a earth attack and die. Labor is then induced and the woman gives birth too non-living child (Operation Rescue, 2013). Connell was performing what many people refer to as partial birth abortions. This is when the baby is born and then essentially killed. This raised a lot of issues, most notably whether he was performing abortions of committing murder. Most people believed that this type of abortion was occurring well past the, â€Å"gray area,† of whether the fetus is a living being or not.There were also some issues on whether the clinic that he was running was legitimate. These started to take shape when an untrained and unlicensed clinic worker gave Ackermann Monger, a woman who came into Counsel's clinic in 2009, an overdose of painkillers, which caused Monger to die (Who is Connell? , 2014). Abortion and the notions of Pro-Choice and Pro-Life are very' important topics in the world today, both politically and religiously, thus Connell and his actions were highly criticized which in turn led to his rise in fame.Connell has had many prior complaints starting in 1 989 and the FBI eventually brought his actions to light after a raid of his clinic in 2010. The raid was performed to investigate suspected illegal drug use at Counsel's Lenin, which was called Women's Medical Society. When the clinic was raided, they a lso discovered unsanitary conditions throughout the facility, use of untrained staff, and use of powerful drugs without proper medical supervision and control (Williams, 2013).Connell was arrested in January Of 2011 and he was charged seven counts Of first degree murder, which was reduced to four at trial, one count of third degree murder, for the death of Monger, infanticide, which was dismissed at trial, five counts of abusing a corpse, also dismissed at trial, multiple counts of conspiracy, criminal solicitation and violation of state law that forbids abortions after the 24th week of a pregnancy (Sullivan, 2013).Connell also received some non-murder charges ranging from 24 counts of violating Pennsylvania Abortion Act by performing illegal third-trimester abortions, 227 counts of violating a twenty-four hour waiting period requirement and failing to counsel patients (Sullivan, 2013). Connell violated many moral and ethical principles during his time as a doctor. First and foremos t is personality. Connell had no remorse for human life and did not treat it as sacred or special when he murdered children post birth. Next is demonology and beneficence.Connell failed to do what was best for his patients because if he would have done so he would have not only counseled the mothers, but would have never hurt those babies. Connell was also in violation of non-malfeasance because failed in his mission to do no harm to his patients. While he may not have harmed most of the mothers, the babies that these women were having were certainly harmed. He failed to realize the teleology Of the acts that he Was performing and did not realize the ultimate consequences of his actions. Perhaps his biggest ethical violation was the lack of respect that he showed towards all of is patients.Connell performed these medical acts in unsanitary conditions and enlisted the help of unqualified people. His biggest lack of respect was that of human life. He allowed those mothers to give birt h to their babies and then he proceeded to kill them by snipping their spinal cord through the neck. My opinion on abortion is simple. I do not support it and I am one hundred percent pro life. This may be because both of my parents share the same views as I do and I come from a traditionally republican family, but it is my belief that human life is sacred and is a special gift from God.Thus, it is to be treated as such and an abortion is a violation of that belief. In my opinion, human life begins at the moment of conception so an abortion is a clear ending of that life. Another factor in my opinion of abortion could also branch from my Catholic background, I have gone to catholic schools since preschool and continue my catholic enrichment here at Gowned Mercy and it is also the catholic position on abortion to be pro life. In my opinion, what Connell did was horrible and a clear violation of human rights. He is right where he belongs, which is in prison serving a life sentence. No t even begin to think of a reason that he may have for doing what he did. His actions were morally and ethically wrong and luckily he is now paying the price for them. Connell is essentially a murderer and violated state abortion laws countless times in his medical career. In no way, shape, or form is what he did correct, he lost sight Of the importance of life a performed unforgivable actions. Whether it was out of greed, or whether he thought what he was doing was right, Connell deserves the punishment that has been given to him. Works Cited Masters, Teresa (March 19, 2013).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

International Business Organisation Management Report Essay

International Business Organisation Management Report - Essay Example The Bunnings Group Ltd is Australia and New Zealand's leading retailer of home and garden improvement products and is also a major supplier of building products. Its home building section especially targets small - medium builders. It became a public company in 1952 and in 1994 Wesfarmers acquired it. (Bunnings Warehouse Property Trust - BWPT website, 2006). The trust was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in September 1998. The BWPT properties are on long-term leased to Bunnings Pty Ltd. typically for a period of 10 - 15 years. (BWPT History Overview 2006) 2001 was the year of extensive growth for Bunnings as Wesfarmers took over Howard Smith Ltd, which resulted in Bunnings fully integrating Howard Smith's Australia and New Zealand's BBC hardware operations known as Hardwarehouse, BBC and Benchmark. The Bunnings brand was to replace all three previous brands (Wesfarmers website 2006). Bunning's is in the pursuit of sustainability within their operations by striving to making the operations socially responsible, environmentally aware and economically viable. Bunnings took shape in 1886 when Arthur & Robert arrived in Perth, WA from London and soon won a government building contract and soon founded the group of companies known as Bunnings Bros Pty Ltd. The company has since seen many milestones. In 1952, Bunnings became a public company and expanded into retail. In 1994 Wesfarmers Ltd., one of Australia's largest public companies acquired Bunnings and Wesfarmers has given an able leadership and direction to the company. All the departments and divisions are being managed very professionally with. Organisational Structure Bunnings is structured around a team-based belief in providing the best service alongside the widest range of home improvements at the lowest prices. On a company level, they are structured to pursue sustainability in all its departments and through all their supplier relationships. A manager is manages the trust which in turn is run by a board of directors. These directors and management control the general everyday activities of the business. The management chain goes down to the state manager followed by the regional manager and then individual store managers. A store manager controls the business which has his/her group of employees broken into teams depending on their department or specialty. For example, there may be up to 5 different teams, with a team leader in control of the employees of that team. The team leader has an important role as he/she has to manage and motivate the employees. Each Bunning's store has a strong emphasis on teamwork and each employee is valued in the business. A key factor that all team leaders have at every Bunnings warehouse stores is that they have "reward power". This is where they have the ability as a manager to give or withhold tangible and intangible rewards such as pay rises, bonuses and verbal praise. As a result members of the organisation are more motivated to perform at a higher level; managers will have a highly motivated workforce as efforts are appreciated. This is a fine example of the 'path goal theory' model. Bunnings Encourages empowerment by expanding employee's tasks and responsibilities, giving employees authority to take decisions, be responsible for their outcomes, improve quality, and cuts costs - and provide feedback

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assess the importance of the counterfactual in merger assessment Essay

Assess the importance of the counterfactual in merger assessment - Essay Example However, not all mergers and acquisitions have been allowed to prosper particularly if it is found to prevent, restrict and distort competition and more importantly, if it would create or strengthen dominant position. Mergers or acquisitions are therefore assessed if it would significantly impede effective competition for being anti-competitive or strengthens dominance—thus an inquiry shall be made by the competition authorities to determine its impact on the market whether competition is still functioning effectively despite the merger or acquisition and the same is beneficial to the public in general. Competition laws to regulate merger and/or acquisition activities were legislated amongst the Member States of the European Union2 while Member States were mandated to enact national competition laws3 to synchronize the procedures to be followed in determining the validity of the merger and/or acquisition as well as to evaluate if the mergers and/or acquisitions are in accordan ce with the competition standards that encourage healthy competition and more importantly, do not significantly lessen competition. ... The primary task of this paper is to determine whether it is necessary for the competition authorities in the conduct of its investigation to allow or reject merger and/or acquisition to make assumptions and go beyond the facts and circumstances submitted by the merging entities to determine whether market competition is in force? It shall likewise be the task of this paper to determine the feasibility of making the hypothesis and the resulting conclusion as basis for sustaining or rejecting mergers or acquisitions? Furthermore, it shall be the task of this paper to determine if counterfactuals are indeed imperative to adjudge if a merger or acquisition significantly lessens competition (SLC) or not? And lastly, to determine whether the use of hypothesis or counterfactual circumstances to support an anti-competitive finding is congruent with the general legal precepts that decisions should be based on actual facts availing and as supported by evidence. Before this paper shall tackle the import of counterfactuals in resolving competition issues, it is necessary to revisit the historical and legal perspective of competition edicts including the jurisprudential pronouncements of both the European Courts of Justice (ECJ) and the national courts so that the spirit and letter of these legislations may be understood and applied properly in arriving at a logical conclusion—whether it is indeed beneficial or futile in competition analysis. State intervention on matters relating to the conduct of business is not a new concept. Under this jurisdiction, the general rule is that freedom to trade or conduct business cannot be curtailed or restrained unless the transaction is fraught with unreasonable

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Conformity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conformity - Assignment Example In my current workplace, however, there are rules regarding the dressing code. There were several occasions where I was reminded by the Human resource manager to adhere to the set guidelines. With time, I conformed to it. There are several factors that should be put into consideration before making a decision as whether or not to conform to the group. Physical and psychological factors are crucial in this determination. Physical factors involve the overall appearance of the group in terms of its size and composition of the group. Psychological factors involve the culture of the group in terms of the behavior of the members, its social and religious beliefs (Smith and Bond, 1996). Group think is the tendency of approaching and solving issues as a group rather than individuals taking up responsibility for the actions (Turner and Pratkanis, 1998).Group thinking mainly results to ineffective and inefficient decision making because essential information that would have helped in better decision making is withheld. There are numerous signs that may show the existence of group thinking mentality. One of the signs is the manifestation of pressure on an individual who seems to disagree with the view of the majority. Members also convince themselves that despite any evidence that contradicts their stand, the original decision is the appropriate one. There is also a tendency of the group to stick to the same decisions going forward whenever they succeed (Janis, 1972). Turner,M.E.&Pratkanis,A.R.(1998).†Twenty-five years of groupthink theory and research: lessons from the evaluation of a theory†Organisational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Intermediate Accounting Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Intermediate Accounting - Research Paper Example The following illustration provides a simplified view of the business model followed by Groupon: Comparison of this business model of Groupon with Wal-Mart reveals some fundamental differences in the approach followed by the two businesses. First of all, as mentioned earlier, the virtual operating style of Groupon through internet is a primary factor which distinguishes the extent to which both companies can target their respective customers. Based on the differences identified in the business model for Groupon in comparison with the approach followed by Wal-Mart, it is possible to determine how these differences influence the risks identified by Groupon in its financial statements under management discussion and analysis and also the translation of these risks into financial reporting of the company. Before initiating a discussion as to how risks faced by Groupon would influence its business model, it is pertinent to understand that the success of the business model of the company l argely rests on the revenue generating ability of the company through acquiring new subscribers to purchase coupons offered by the company. Since the company has only one product to offer, i.e. coupons, therefore any unfavourable changes in the circumstances may eventually lead to the disruption of whole business model. First of all, the company has expressly stated in its Form S - 1 that, â€Å"We may not maintain the revenue growth that we have experienced since inception.† (Groupon Incorporation 11). Although, the company would take measures to ensure that such a risk may not materialize in future; however, if such a situation is faced by the company where revenue growth becomes difficult, the business model may be affected severely, as there is no contingency plan for the company due to lack of its diversity in operations. Realizing the significance of influence this risk may have on the business model of the company, it has been mentioned that, â€Å"If we fail to retai n our existing subscribers or acquire new subscribers, our revenue and business will be harmed.† (Groupon Incorporation 12). In addition to this, it is also important to note that apart from growth in subscribers to the business, the retention and growth of merchants for the business is also a risk factor. The company has expressly stated that if it fails to retain or grow the number of merchant it deals with, the revenues may shrink considerably in the future and therefore place impact on the whole business (Groupon Incorporation 13). Apart from this, it is also pertinent to understand that Groupon is not alone in its market; in fact there are other competitors who are improving their customer base and market standing. The company, in this regard, states that it operates in a highly competitive environment where competitors may pose a significant threat to the operations and growth opportunities for Groupon in the future (Groupon Incorporation 13). Issues regarding Revenue Re cognition for Groupon The table presented as follows include information pertaining to revenues, cost of sales, other operating expenses and net profit / loss of the company for the financial years 2009 and 2010. Under each year, both gross and net based revenue recognition by the company has been presented so as to make the comparison possible between

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Midterm - Essay Example Although the registered voters are not allowed to directly vote for the President, they have the opportunity to elect their political party delegate to the Electoral College who will act on their behalf in finally electing the US President. The general election is held at predetermined term intervals and citizens have the opportunity to replace their government policies. The citizens thus determine the electoral vote of their state and thus influence the outcome of the final presidential elections and subsequent government policies and programs (Watts 16). The US citizens vote in the primary elections that aim at nominating the candidates that will run in the general elections. The registered voters or registered members of a political party are allowed to evaluate the different policies proposed by various candidates and vote for their preferred candidate who will run on the general election depending on their preferred polices (v 17). The US citizens can shape their public policies and agenda through displaying their attitudes towards certain controversial issues The US Congress representatives usually hold several meetings with the electorate in order to gauge the public attitudes towards certain policies and issue recommendations for implementation of a policy or abolishment of the government policy. In this case, expression of public opinions through polls and other methods of understanding the public sentiment ensure citizens participate in public policy formulation and implementation (Jillson 89). Another method that US citizens can use in shaping national government policies is joining an interest group that advocates for a certain public interest issue. The structure and informal traditions of American politics provide for growth of interest groups that pressure the legislators to enact laws and policies that favor the causes of such groups. The separation of the executive from

Monday, September 23, 2019

Biotransport Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Biotransport - Research Paper Example The model foresaw deadly values of pH (less than 6.5) in EHTs consisted of 106 cells per square centimeter. Predictions of pH slightly relied on oxygen concentration and strongly on carbon dioxide concentration and the length of diffusion path. In study conclusion, acidosis induced by hypoxia are an important factor in the mass transport problem. The limitations of Transport of critical nutrients obstruct cardiac tissue engineering. The available EHT models comprise of high-density neonatal cardiomyocytes in biopolymer hydrogel or scaffold of synthetic porous polymer. After cultivation by a bioreactor, the cardiac tissue constructs make tiny synchronous contractions like that of differentiated cardiac myofibrils. The problem that prevailed was of scaling the tissue constructs to clinical size and dead cells inside the construct. Reports emphasize on the importance of oxygen as a metabolite in cardiac tissue engineering and engineered cartilage. Reports has it that oxygen concentrations of less than 14 micro molar exist in 1mm EHT model solution and the rate of consumption of oxygen by cardiomyocyte finishes it to above zero. Laboratory data suggest that reduced oxygen does not cause cell death due to hypoxia. Acidosis initiate apoptosis. Lactate-induced acidosis of culture medium at pH 6 stimulates apoptosis in cultured cardiomyocytes. There is expectation that pH and oxygen have functions to play in tissue engineering mass transport problem. Generally, the work done was to analyze the pH gradients resulting from mass transport limitations in engineered heart tissue (EHT). Brown obtained neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM) for experiment. He noticed variations in the hypoxia response in acidification of culture medium in relation to the source and procurement method. Development of EHTs constructs succeeded Eschenhagen lab method plus some modifications. He neutralized 3.2mg/mL

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Obscenity Laws and the Canadian Charter of Freedom and Rights Essay

Obscenity Laws and the Canadian Charter of Freedom and Rights - Essay Example Canadians are now at risk of suffering from perverse and obscene acts basically due to the Human Rights Act of 1998 overshadowing these laws. The main issue here is that it is impossible for the children of Canada to be safeguarded and protected from instances of child pornography and other ill affects because these laws can not be relied upon fully to efficiently protect their rights in particular. There is no doubt that this holds inexplicit validity as, instead of the obscenity law really helping, it is placing more adverse repercussions onto the children due to the fact that it is unreliable. How can a child find any normalcy and guaranteed protection for their life from child pornography if a court is going to rule it a piece of art Therefore, not only are the children at risk of harm by such actions but the parents who are trying to guard them from being confronted with the various negativities associated with obscenities such as child prostitution and pornography are as well. This is not only off balance in protecting the children's rights and mental health but it is an issue of inequality as well for it appears that the idea of what is art holds more credence in the courts than does the life and well being of a child in particular and there is no equality in that. In this regard these laws are not wholly fair and it is agreed that the following research is true to the f act that these laws are unjust at times. For example, a person accused of child pornography can only be prosecuted if the gathered material is found to be eliciting youth who are underage in obvious sexual acts and even then the proof must be irrefutable1. Undoubtedly, where the main problem with the law is coming in at is in how the Courts are having to ensure that even the violators rights are upheld as well. For instance, an individual can be charged with breaching the obscenity law with regard to child pornography but they can argue that their material is strictly of art and is therefore not obscene. In order to protect each individual's rights in Canada the court must pause and consider the weight of the evidence and decide what degree of obscenity it actually holds if any. As was stated, it isn't fair to the children to even allow room to question child pornography in this regard as it is hurting the children of the country, not helping them. In other words, a child being sexu ally solicited for the false idea of making art is totally wrong and how the courts could construe the law to see it in this light is an injustice to the children and parents of Canada. Pornography is pornography, period. It does not make sense to try and find an art form in child pornography when it is demoralizing the children of the country to do so. However, it is also the law that individuals must show valid proof that an obscene act limited or impinged upon their constitutional rights. If they are unable to provide the factual basis of a claim then the courts will dismiss the case, which too many is unfair as well as unjust in upholding

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ethical Interpersonal Communication Essay Example for Free

Ethical Interpersonal Communication Essay Ethics refers to standards of conduct, standards that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues, which themselves are derived from principles of right and wrong. The major determinant of whether communications are ethical or unethical can be found in the notion of choice. The underlying assumption is that people have a right to make their own choices. Interpersonal communications are ethical to the extent that they facilitate a person’s freedom of choice by presenting that person with accurate information. Communications are unethical to the extent that they interfere with the individual’s freedom of choice by preventing the person from securing information relevant to the choices he or she will make. Unethical communications, therefore, are those that force a person to make choices he or she would not normally make or to decline to make choices he or she would normally make or both. The ethical communicator provides others with the kind of information that is helpful in making their own choices. You have the right to information about yourself that others possess and that influences the choices you will make. Thus, for example, you have the right to face your accusers, to know the witnesses who will be called to testify against you, to see your credit ratings, to see your medical records, and so on. At the same time that you have the right to information bearing on your own choices, you also have the obligation to reveal information that you possess that bears on the choices of your society. Thus, for example, you have an obligation to identify wrongdoing that you witness, to identify someone in a police line up, to notify the police of criminal activity, and Ethical Interpersonal Communication 3 to testify at a trial when you posses pertinent information. This information is essential for society to accomplish its purposes and to make its legitimate choices. Similarly, the information presented must be accurate; obviously, reasonable choices depend on accuracy of information. Doubtful information must be presented with qualifications, whether it concerns a crime that you witnessed or things you have heard about others. At the same time that you have these obligations to communicate information, you also have the right to remain silent; you have a right to privacy, to withhold information that has no bearing on the matter at hand. Thus, for example, a man or woman’s previous relationship history, sexual orientation, or religion us usually irrelevant to the person’s ability to function as a doctor or police officer, for example, and may thus be kept private in most job-related situations. If these issues become relevant say, the person is about to enter a new relationship then there may be an obligation to reveal previous relationships, sexual orientation, or religion, for example, to the new partner. In a court, of course, you have the right to refuse to incriminate yourself, to reveal information about yourself that could be used against you. But you do not have the right to refuse to reveal information about the criminal activities of others. In Canada, only lawyers and marriage partners are exempt from this general rule if the â€Å"criminal† was a client or spouse. In this ethic based on choice, however, there are a few qualifications that may restrict your freedom. The ethic assumes that persons are of an age and mental condition that allows free choice to be reasonably executed and that the choices they make do not prevent others from doing likewise. A child 5 or 6 years old may not be ready to make certain choices, so someone Ethical Interpersonal Communication 4 else (a parent or legal guardian) must make them. Some adults, for example people with advancing Alzheimer’s disease, need others to make certain decisions (legal or financial decisions) for them.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Using a Pencil for Drawing

Using a Pencil for Drawing DESCRIPTION: A pencil is an instrument that you can use it for writing or drawing. People use pencils in the schools, offices, houses to write anything they want on a white sheet of paper. By moving the pencil on this sheet of paper using your hand you can make marks with different shapes and different sizes. Since you are able to draw this marks, you can control the way you move the pencil and draw a variety of shapes and write a specific word by any language. The Pencil has the shape of a narrow cylinder, it also looks like a pipe or a thin piece of wood. It made in that shape to be easy for use, also to hold and grasp it easily, and to control your handwriting. Pencil components are made of different materials, and each part has its own job. There is another type of pencil called the mechanical pencil which has complex components than the wooden pencil since it works by metallic parts and requires a different method to use it.  Ã‚   The components of the wooden pencil The graphite (lead): graphite is the most important part of the pencil since it is the material that produces the marks or the writing on the paper. Graphite is made of carbon and it is the inner part of the pencil, and you can find it in difference sizes. The difference in sizes is giving a difference in the color degree. The lead scales are (0.3mm, 0.5mm, 0.7mm,etc) it also can find as (HB, B, 2B, 3B,etc) as the numerical scale get higher the lead get harder and the mark get darker. Number 2 pencil is the standard degree of graphite which is using in most of the countries such the U.S. The wooden body: the wooden cylinder that covers the graphite is made of wood that must be hard and must be able to resist bending and stand for a long time without any cracks. It also must be able to sharpen easily to give you the perfect mark. This wooden piece protects your hand from touching the graphite. It covers with a thin skin of color that gives it a good appearance. The Eraser: you can find the eraser in the bottom of the pencil. This soft part has the ability to erase what you have written on the white sheet. The eraser is made of rubber and has difference colors. You can also buy a separate eraser and use it since the pencil eraser is small and it may consume in a short time. Metal ferrule: this small piece of metal has the shape of a cylinder and it surrounding the end of the pencil and the eraser. It also secures the eraser, and it made from aluminum.  Ã‚   FIGURE 1: Pencil Components Operations: The process of using the pencil for writing or drawing is so easy since you start practicing it, it should be easy for you. You will also learn different techniques of using the pencil, and how to control your handwriting. Step 1: first you have to choose the right pencil. Since pencils have different shapes and sizes and different qualities. Based on your activity you will be able to choose your pencil and determine which number is appropriate for you. Step 2: second you have to sharp the pencil using a pencil sharpener. A sharpener is a tool that has a small razor and has a hole to put your pencil in, and then turn the pencil left or right to get the graphite out of the wooden body. Step3: to use the pencil easily, you have to hold it the way you fill comfortable with. Whether you are left handed or right handed, the common way to hold a pencil is to grip it with your thumb, middle, and index fingers. If this method doesnt fit you, you may try another method until you get a perfect way. Step4: to write on a white sheet of paper you have to press down with an angle using the pencil. You shouldnt put much pressure on the graphite since its very thin and it may break. Try to start with straight marks, and then try to draw some shapes like squares, circles, and triangles. In order to master writing with the pencil, you have to practice every day. Safety precautions: The Pencil is a writing tool which shouldnt be used for any other activity. The graphite (lead) in the pencil is a toxic material which may be dangerous if you applied it to your body. Dont use the pencil to write or draw on your skin or your clothes Dont use the pencil while cooking or preparing food. Dont use the pencil for any medication activity. Dont put the pencil in your mouth, and dont try to chew or nibble it. Dont try to harm someone using the pencil. Always wash your hands after using a pencil.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Terrorism Essay -- essays research papers

Terrorism JUNE 1914: a young man in Sarajevo steps up to a carriage and fires his pistol. The Archduke Ferdinand dies. Within weeks, the first world war has begun. The 1940s: the French resistance kill occupying troops when and how they can. June 1944: at Oradour-sur-Glane, in central France, German SS troops take revenge, massacring 642 villagers. August 1945: the United States Air Force drops the world's first nuclear weapons. Some 190,000 Japanese die, nearly all of them civilians. Within days the second world war has ended. Which of these four events was an act of terrorism? Which achieved anything? Which, if any, will history judge as justified? And whose history? Terrorism is not the simple, sharp-edged, bad-guy phenomenon we all love to condemn. No clear line marks off politics from the threat of force, threat from use, use from covert or open war. Who is or is not a terrorist? The suicide bomber, the rebel guerrilla, the liberation front, the armed forces of the state? Terrorism is fundamentally a political act. Terrorists act to advance a cause they mean to create tyranny, either directly or indirectly, so that the political order that they prefer can take the place of the current one. Terrorists can be either rebels seeking to overthrow a state or states seeking to overthrow the international order or states seeking to maintain privilege for rulers and stifle dissent among the people. In every case the motivation for terrorism is explicitly without an exceptio...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Weed Kill Experiment Report :: essays research papers

Weed Kill Report ABSTRACT - The objective of this experiment is to determine which of three weed kill methods will be most successful in killing the Cobblers peg weed over a five day period. Two of the weed kill methods are natural - boiling water and vinegar solution. One of the weed kill methods is a weed spray Yates ZERO. The most effective weed kill was found by examining how fast and effectively each weed kill treatment killed its group of seventeen weeds which were separated into one of three foam boxes over a period of five days. The most successful method was found to be one of the natural methods, boiling water. The next best method was the herbicide and then the least successful method was the vinegar solution which killed none of its weeds. INTRODUCTION – My initial observation was that simple conservation actions such as reducing the use of pesticides can achieve measurable improvements in habitat quality and environmental health. Herbicides are toxic to most mammals as well as to the beneficial insects that you want to encourage in your garden. Sometimes herbicides seep into the ground water; causing contamination of which the long term effects are not known. Herbicide application can also result in drift or movement in the soil, this endangers wanted vegetation nearby. Herbicides are used far too rampantly. Excessive use of toxic herbicides is used when not necessary and because most are not aware of the many other natural alternatives. We must find more ways to cut back on the use of chemical herbicides and change to biological weed control methods. Foreign plants which turn into weeds are continuously being introduced to Australia both accidentally and intentionally. They can cause extreme damage to Australia’s environment, as they threaten the survival of many native plants. They are successful in growing as they - usually grow faster than native plants competing for nutrients, water, space etc, they survive better as they do not have the pests and diseases that would normally control them in their natural habitats, they take over the native plants that the native animals use for shelter, food and nesting. The Cobblers peg (Bidens pilosa) also known as farmers friend, Spanish needle and beggars tick was introduced from South America and has become a weed in Australia. Individual flowers are yellow with white petals and do not last for very long, eventually turning into seeds.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Give a life to your friend, it’s free!

Give a life to your friend, it's free! BY wersl 23 Compare and Contrast: Lion and Tiger Lions and tigers are the top two ferocious animals in the big cat family. The lion is known as the â€Å"king of beast â€Å"and the tiger is known as the â€Å"emperor of beast†. Both lions and tigers have many things in common and at the same time they have a number of differences. Lions and tigers belong to the mammalian group and Felidae family. Lions lives in prides and tigers lives alone. They have no predators of their own and reside at the top of their food chain.This essay is going to talk about the physical characteristics, diet, habitat and geographical distribution, reproduction and cross breed. The physical characteristics of a lion is male lion is highly distinctive and is easily recognized by its mane. Lion coloration varies from light buff to yellowish or reddish of the body. The underparts are generally lighter and the tail tuft is black. The color of the mane varies from blond to black. The lion is a carnivore and a hunter. Its legs are short with very powerful muscles. Male lions are 20 to 35% larger than the females and 50% heavier.Each lion has, what are called, â€Å"whisker spots† The pattern formed by this top row of whiskers differs in every lion and remains the same throughout its lifetime. Lions are the second-largest in the cat family (the tiger is the largest). Physical characteristics of a tiger highly distinctive and is easily recognized by its stripes. Tigers are tawny brown in color with dark stripes and whitish. Tigers have rusty-reddish to brown-rusty coats, a fair (whitish) medial and entral area and stripes that vary from brown or hay to pure black.The pattern of stripes is unique to each animal, and thus could potentially be used to identify individuals, much in the same way as fingerprints are used to identify people. This is not, however, a preferred method of identification, due to the difficulty of recording the strip e pattern of a wild tiger. the function of stripes is camouflage, serving to hide these animals from their prey. Tigers have round pupils and yellow irises. Tigers are the heaviest cats found in the wild.The diet for both the lion and the tiger are kind of the same, but they eat different animals because they are not from the same place. Both lion and tiger eats about 15. 4 lbs. of meat per day. A typical diet for a lion will include zebra, giraffe, buffalo, wildebeest, gazelles and impala. Lions are opportunistic and will readily scavenge the kills of cheetahs, leopards, wild dogs and hyenas. A main prey species for a tiger is are deer, buffalo and wild pigs, but they will also hunt fish, monkeys, birds, reptiles and sometimes even baby elephants.Occasionally, tigers kill leopards, bears and other tigers. Both lion and tiger are both meat-loving big cats. Habitat of a lion and a tiger are both different, because they are both from different contents of the world. Lion lives in Rich grasslands of East Africa to sands of Kalahari Desert, South Sahara to South Africa, excluding the Congo rain forest. They avoid dense forests because prey is scarce. Fun fact in the wild, lions live for approximately 12-18 years, while in captivity they can live over 24 years. Fun fact

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mcdonalds Annual Report

Annual Report Project 1. a) The letter to the shareholders emphasizes the growth of McDonald’s Corporation and their deepening connection with customers on a global scale. In the letter it is stated that Europe now generates about 40% of overall revenue, and that Asia/Pacific, Middle East, and Africa have doubled their income contribution in the past six years. The letter also states that the core drivers of McDonald’s Corporation’s business are â€Å"People, Products, Place, Price, and Promotion,† and that they are disciplined around building their brand holistically and enhancing the customer experience. 2.The Management’s Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) main topics are; Description of the business, strategic direction and financial performance, highlights from the year, and finally the outlook for 2012. Information of importance gathered within the MD&A includes McDonald’s affirmation to continue to be customer-focused. The ability to adapt l ocally to specific countries and cities allows McDonald’s to become â€Å"better, not just bigger† (10) giving the company the potential for increased revenue. In 2011 McDonald’s remained focused on maximizing their core business as well as driving down administrative costs.The company took in more in sales than the previous year while spending less, having an operating margin of 31. 6%. McDonald’s strives to differentiate from its competitors by sheer growth. $2. 7 billion dollars was invested primarily to open new stores and remodel existing stores. All dollar amounts expressed in millions 3. a) Sales by Company-Operated Restaurants @ 18,292. 8 b) Food and Paper @ 6,167. 2 c) Total Revenue: 12. 2% increase from previous year (24,074. 6 in 2010 to 27,006 in 2011) Operating Income: 14. 1% increase from previous year (7,473. 1 in 2010 to 8,529. 7 in 2011) Net Income: 11. % increase from previous year (4,946. 3 in 2010 to 5,503. 1 in 2011) 4. a) The amount of common stock cash dividends reported in the Consolidated Statement of Shareholders’ Equity paid out was 2,609. 7. b) No notes were provided for dividends, however there was a weighted-average assumption with expected dividend yields to be 3. 2%. 5. a) Largest current asset: Cash and Equivalents @ 2,335. 7 Largest long-term asset: Property and Equipment, at cost @ 35,737. 6 Trends: Cash and Equivalents decreased 2. 1% from previous year (2,387 in 2010 to 2,335. 7 in 2011 Property and Equipment, at cost increased 3. % (34,482. 4 in 2010 to 35,737. 6 in 2011) Accounts Receivable increased 13. 2% (1,179,1 in 2010 to 1,334. 7 in 2011) b) Current Liabilities: 18. 9% of total liabilities @ 3,509. 2 Largest Liability: Long term debt @ 12,133. 8 Accounts Payable increased 1. 8% (943. 9 in 2010 to 961. 3 in 2011) Total liabilities: 56. 4% of Total Liabilities and Stockholder’s Equity @ 18,599. 7 c) Kinds of stock reported: Preferred Stock, Common Stock, and Common Stock in Tr easury, at cost Retained Earnings: 86% of Stockholder’s Equity @ 36,707. 5 6. a) Net change in cash for 2011 was (51. 3) a decrease. ) Of the three major activities operating activities was the only to provide cash 7,150. 1, while investing activities used cash for investing 2,570. 9 as well as financing activities used cash for financing activities 4,533. 0. 7. a) The notes are divided into 12 categories which include a total of 35 subcategories b) No information about inventories was provided in the notes 8. a) Burger King’s most significant source of revenue is company restaurant revenue 1,638. 7 b) The largest expense that Burger King declares is its selling, general and administrative expense totaling 417. . c) Revenue trend for 2011 compared to 2010 is a loss of (68. 7) or 2. 9%, operating income trend is 185. 1 or 104. 3% while net income trend is 42. 7 or 94. 1%. d) Largest current asset is cash and cash equivalents listed at 459. 0. e) Largest long-term asset is intangible assets listed at 2,823. 3. f) Largest liability Burger King carries is term debt 3,010. 3. g) 2011 retained earnings was listed as a deficit of (27. 6) while total stockholder’s equity is listed at 1,049. 2 this is due to the fact the company received an additional 1190. 1 paid-in capital.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Equip Essay

This is to certify that we interviewed Mr. Ruel Lopez of MVERT (Morong Volunteer Emergency Response Team), as our expert for our Science Investigatory Project. November 13, 2012 This is to certify that we interviewed Mr. Jojo Tamayo of Jamta Wireless Solutions, 04 Cmdr Raymundo St., Morong, Rizal, as our expert for our Science Investigatory Project. Solar Powered Wireless Equipment for Multi-Purpose Disaster Risk Reduction Questions for Mr. Ruel Lopez of MVERT (Morong Volunteer Emergency Response Team): 1. How to make our project waterproof? Answer: Put the project on a High place or secure it with a glass case 2. What are we going to do to improve our project? Answer: Secure the transmitter in a glass case, the alarm sound will be centralized, Transmitter should have back-up, and receiver should be kept in a building. Every room in the school must hear the alarm/the alarm should be centralized. Recess alarm and emergency alarm must be different. 3. What are the effects if we put a Solar Panel to our Project? Answer: There are positive and negative effects. First, the positive effects are we can use it in daytime and it has a stored energy. Negative effects are we can’t use it in night time because there is no sunlight and there is a possibility that the battery won’t last until night time.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reading Assessment Essay

In chapter 7, Taking Notes From Reading Material, my scores for the pre- assessment (550) and the post assessment (750) increased slightly. One process that made my score increase was that I initially did not understand how to effectively highlight my material. Highlighting is so very critical because a person could waste time and energy when they could be doing other assignments. For a moment I thought the author had gone back into time and took a look at my notes from yesteryears. I was a perfect example of a passive learner who would highlight un-important phrases and sentences until I had a colored a lot of nothing. Active learners highlight less and try to grasp as much as they can while reading, thus avoiding re-reading. The highlighting issue was definitely a weakness of mine, but I will apply the techniques from the text to curb that problem. While not a great highlighter I can say that my note taking ability has always been a strong suit for me. I plan on taking some steps from the lesson to improve on that as well. Effective note taking saves time and makes learning easier to retain. 3 In Chapter 8, Improving Reading Comprehension, my pre-assessment scores (550) and my post assessment scores (650) are almost identical. I believe that to be because most of the reading I had never experienced before or it could have been due to the fact that I have been out of school a very long time. Nevertheless, there are certainly some habits that I need to build upon to improve my personal reading comprehension. Knowing your purpose and reading responsibility is very important while learning. A person’s reading purpose could be for their own greater good, to just challenge themselves, or to just be intent. One’s reading responsibility allows you to be able to answer questions during an exam or just keeping for use later on. If a person doesn’t have a purpose or responsibility they have no direction and time is wasted. I did learn that being more engaged helps me learn better. In Chapter 9, Revving Up Your Reading, my scores for the pre-assessment (350) and the post assessment (600) nearly doubled. This was in result to the fact that speed reading is totally new to me. I have never experienced or taught how to speed read so this is a new learning curve to me. One weakness that I discovered about myself if that I prefer to read moving my lips or out loud slightly. According to the text, talking to yourself while reading tires you out, slows you down, and it limits one’s comprehension. This is a sign of a passive reader, which also is referred to as low gear. Low gear generates 100-300 words per minute. Everyday reading (magazines, newspapers) would be considered as middle gear. This generates 300-600 words per minute. High gear puts out about 600-1000 words per minute and is mostly used for skimming and pre-viewing. 4 The first activity (page 201) helped me understand a few traits that I learned about myself. Though I am a slow reader, I have been able to take good notes, understanding the information and having a fairly wide vocabulary. To keep my mind from wandering I am going to make an attempt to become a faster reader, which should help me focus better and not lull myself into a daze. The phrasing activity (page 241) was a very interesting challenge. Phrasing allows active readers to take a key word or thought and put a slash in between key words or phrases. This allows a person to get information without reading it verbatim. While most passive readers read one word at a time, phrasing allows a person to read more effectively and saving time in the process. My next reading project I plan on using phrasing and becoming a more passionate, engaged reader which in turn helps me retain what I am reading. The steps and ideas that I have learned will enable me to become a better reader who enjoys while learning. Speeding up my reading in addition to my note taking skills should allow me to finish more projects faster and then be able to move on to something else. Reference 5 Beale, A. M. (2007). Success Skills: Strategies for Study and Lifelong Learning. Mason OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Star Wars Informative Speech

Star Wars What movie franchise has been the most powerful film franchise in history? Who could forget traveling through space fighting evil, using the force, and defeating the empire? Yes I am talking about Star Wars. The franchise includes 6 movies and countless games, toys, and books. Now I know y'all must be thinking â€Å"she only thinks star wars in so important cause it’s her favorite movie or she’s a geek or something like that† Well to be honest I have never in my life seen any of the movies. I’ve seen bits and pieces but none of them the whole way through.Although that it true Star Wars has influenced my life. Star Wars is and will be for years to come the most influential, powerful, and profitable franchise in history. The saga began in 1977 when George Lucas released his first movie after striking a deal with 20th century fox in which he retained all rights to the movie and sequels and 40% of all box office sales. He began with what at the time was just Star Wars: A New Hope, now Episode 4, which grossed $1,416,050,800(one billion 416 million 50 thousand 800) to put this into perspective the cost to produce this first movie was $13 million.In 1980 he released The Empire Strikes Back, now episode 5, which grossed $780536100(780 million 536 thousand 100). 1983 saw the release of Return of the Jedi, now Episode 6, which grossed $747772300 (747 million 772 thousand 300). Lucas decided the movies needed a prequel so in 1999 he released The Phantom Menace, episode 1, which grossed $674365200 (674 million 365 thousand 200). In 2002 Attack of the Clones, episode 2, grossed about 425 million 074 thousand 300 dollars.In 2005 Revenge of the Sith, episode 3, grossed 471 million 630 thousand 400 dollars. Though that was supposed to be the end in 2008 the animated film Star Wars: The clone wars grossed 35 million 20 thousand 908 dollars. That brings the total star wars film series to 4 billion 550 million 450 thousand 8 dollars. In 2005 Forbes Magazine stated that the star wars franchise had grossed over $20 billion and growing, that number is believed to be closer to $27 billion now. That number is a far stretch from $4. 5 billion right?Well the Star wars franchise includes much more than just the 6 movies box office totals. The video and DVD sales are about $3 billion 775 million as said by statistic brain. This includes all DVDs and movies from all 6 movies and Star wars the clone wars. The video game sales grossed $2. 9 billion. These games range from the oldest super Nintendo games to the newer PlayStation and Xbox games. The book sales have grossed $1. 82 billion. This is an example of just 1 of the 23 books my boyfriend alone has, all together there are over 100 books written.The toy sales have grossed 12 billion this includes all collectibles, action figures, and toys such as puzzles, Legos, coloring books, or bobble heads that talk. The last bit is considered â€Å"other† which includes licensing, television shows, and merchandise grossed appx. $1. 304 billion to date. Merchandise includes Pez despisers, posters, and any other Star Wars affiliated product. Now let’s discuss the creator George Lucus and the producer of the movies 20th Century Fox. George Lucus’ net worth is believed to be between $3. and $3. 6 billion and growing. He wrote every movie and through negotiation kept all rights to the movies and all affiliates so to this day continues to get profits from all Star Wars licensed products. 20th century fox grossed appx. $2 billion 730 million 270 thousand 5 dollars from producing all of the movies. Originally around 1975 when they were approached by Lucus to produce the movies they were reluctant because they didn’t know if the world was ready for a major science fiction movie of this type.It was the best risk they ever took. Now you can see that Star Wars has been the most influential franchise in history. Almost everywhere you look there is som ething Star Wars. The simple fact that I have never seen any of the movies and I knew most of the characters and even some quotes before this speech show its influence. This franchise has not only monetarily profited many, but has shaped the views and lives of pretty much every member of the last three generations.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Electrical Principles Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Electrical Principles - Coursework Example It involves taking snapshot of each cell at installation time and then measuring subtle changes as cells age. A 25% resistance increase over the initial reading provides hints to the battery’s overall performance drop. Measurement of a battery’s internal resistance is done through reading voltage drop on load current or AC impedance. The obtained results are considered ohmic values. There is a widespread held notion that internal resistance has a relation to capacity, yet this is not true. Most batteries retain flat resistance throughout its service life. In figure 1 is the capacity fade and the internal resistance of battery cells. The circuit set-up contains the battery to be studied lying in series with a resistor. The potential difference across load is measured and so is the current for a different resistors/rheostat in the circuit. The idea is for the overall resistance of circuit changes so that the current is different each time. The reason that doing this is to tell us about internal resistance of battery because the potential difference across internal resistance is Vinternal resistance=I⋅r and it is possible to vary I by altering circuit resistance. Where the potential difference across internal resistance is varying and hence, we add up all potential differences given as E=Vload +Vinternalresistance in determination of internal resistance. This can be represented

Thursday, September 12, 2019

New Product Development Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

New Product Development Research Paper - Essay Example Since customer's satisfaction is the main aim of any company, the company must concentrate on the development process. The new product development methodologies must be used. Product development process is a collection of methods that assist in developing the product. These methods are implemented to develop a product according to the specifications. The customer's requirements are gathered and they are analyzed. The demand for a particular product must be known before developing the product. The manager is responsible for conducting a research that studies the requirements and expectations of the customer. (Annacchino, 2007).The frequency of the product's demand must also be studied since it will help in the development of the product. The product development process is a set of steps that are followed to design and develop a product. The various steps in the product development process are: These steps in turn involve various sub modules and methods. If a new product is introduces in the market, it may have a positive or negative effect. It depends on the working of the product and the sales and service. The company has to decide on the rate of new product development. The rate of production includes the number of products that are introduced in a year. This can be identified by conducting a survey and study within the company. The new product development rate depends on the company's financial status and demand in the market. If the demand for a particular product is more, the company should first manufacture the corresponding and then concentrate on the design and development of a new product. The product development steps are carried out in order to develop a complete product that can stand in the market for a longer time. Market study is an important part of the development process. This market study will help the company to know about the current market status and the customer's demand for the company's product. New Product Development Methodology (NPD) New product development methodology provides a predefined framework that includes the steps for planning and developing the product. (Annacchino, 2007).The design, development, testing and implementation are the common processes in the product development methodology. Though several methods are used to develop a product, certain methods are popular among the companies. One among them is Stage-Gate process. This method is widely used in the manufacturing industries. This stage-gate process consists of various gates that act as the intermediary between each of the phase of development. This methodology contains various steps. They are: Discovery, Scope of product, business case, development, testing and validation, launch and review. Each phase of development consists of a gate which acts as a decision making system. The phases of development are outlined below. Discovery In this stage of development process, the idea is discovered. This idea is the base for the development of the product. The product's baseline and the concept are defined in this stage. Then the idea is tested for feasibility. This is achieved by a feasibility study that collects information regarding the product and financial status of the company. The resources required to develop the product are also examined. Scope of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business statistics - Essay Example This is given that Professionals and Managers frequently are attentive to their measures level like mode, sums, and means. This is a way of communicating of the measure level and numbers use. In comparing of descriptive and inferential data, the two define the data variation in terms of the probability or dispersion distributions/patterns describing the data. This is where both rely on the same set of data. The only difference between the 2 is that inferential data aims to draw general conclusions about a big population (Richard, 69). This way its clear organizations look at results in many ways: quality, time, expenses etc. The dispersion learnt earlier helps to recognize the data information being tracked/measured. In order to decide of results and outcomes, we ought to understand the data variation or consistency (Richard, 44). This means data variation results to dissimilar results understanding. Descriptive statistics method of calculating data is for instance, function of Excel Analysis ToolPak function which produce salary data that is descriptive in statistics. The example of calculations in statistics is the Employee Salary Data set. In research, we categorize the collected data by the GEN1 (G variable) for females and males and then get each gender average and standard deviation for these variables in terms of age or other quantity measure (Richard, 78). It is possible to use for one gender descriptive and the functions of FX for (MEAN and STANDARD DEVIATION) for the other. The paper has looked at the numbers and measurement as well as descriptive and inferential data as a way of analyzing data collected. This way the paper has discussed how inferential data differs from the descriptive data where as seen, inferential depend on the data to draw general perspective of big populations. Lastly, the paper has viewed some research application of descriptive data in contrast to inferential

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

CG Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CG - Case Study Example counting; not permitting enough freedom to the board of directors and sharing responsibility; and common deficiency of shareholders’ interests in the corporate governance ( Abrami et al. 3). Historical old practices of governance are responsible for adhering to different corporate mechanism based on two-tiered approach in most of the Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs). It is the sole reason of differences existing in Chinese publicly traded companies with that of the US or UK companies. Actually, the Chinese corporate structure has been historically impacted by its economic mechanism. In China, most of the large businesses were under state control. Managers in the past had been answerable to both the government policy initiatives and the business aims. The government had been the major stakeholder, therefore, its claim to fulfil its objectives were relevant and reasonable. Powers were also implicit in a firm’s Communist Party Committee, for making decisions in specific fields of governance, such as strategic planning (Abrami et al. 2-3). Change in the Chinese approach to managing listed companies happened later in 1990 in its attempt to practice globally agreed parameters of managing corporations. Thus, these differences existed till 1990 when the Chinese government started two stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen. These attempts were made to transform the procedures of corporate governance. Those companies, desiring to become listed companies were supposed to fulfil basic governance and securities law (Abrami et al. 2). Procedures smoothened with the formulation of the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), which observed the functioning of these two exchanges and released a list of solid regulations. The primary job of CSRC is to â€Å"supervise the behaviour of listed companies and their shareholders who are liable for relevant information disclosures in securities markets† (Abrami et al. 2). In the past, there was no practice of

Monday, September 9, 2019

The relationship between Benedick and Beatrice in the Play and the Essay

The relationship between Benedick and Beatrice in the Play and the Film of Much Ado About Nothing - Essay Example Two other characters stand out as important elements in the dramatic development of the play. Beatrice is a fiery, outspoken cousin of Hero, who is intended no doubt to provide a contrast to Hero’s gentle and quiet character. Benedick is a witty and disrespectful courtier who so far has not consented to be romantically tied to any woman. Claudio and Hero are the unwitting victims of deception, showing one potential reaction to this turn of fate, while Benedick and Beatrice are examples of an entirely different, and more feisty response. As the title of the play suggests, it all comes right in the end, but the main point of the play is to explore the different paths that can be followed in leading two individuals to the traditional â€Å"happy ending† scenario of the Elizabethan comedy genre. Love wins out in the end, despite the posturing of the human characters in the play, and this is the main message that both film and play project. Benedick and Beatrice are like male and female versions of the same character type. They predictably get into arguments with each other, partly to amuse their friends, but partly also because they have so much in common with each other, and make such equal and entertaining sparring partners. While Hero and Claudio play the role of the star crossed lovers, whose path to true love is interrupted by villainous subterfuge, Benedick and Beatrice represent a lively contrast, as two arch enemies who are brought together by the same villainous plotting. This criss-crossing plot device is an example of Shakespeare’s complex commentary on the shifting roles of the sexes in Elizabethan England. One of the features of Branagh’s film that has attracted much critical attention is the fact that there is a mixture of British and American actors in the film, with a consequent erratic mix of accents. This was no doubt a consequence of UK/US collaboration on the production side, but also a reflection of marketing aspirations which were truly global. The kind of Shakespeare being produced here is deliberately international, with an ironic kind of inter-textuality that appeals to a post-modern audience. The casting of comic superstar Denzel Washington as Don Pedro, for example, adds modern layers of connotation to the original meanings intended by Shakespeare himself. Seen in this light, the relationship between Benedick (Kenneth Branagh) and Beatrice (Emma Thompson) appears as a commentary on relationship issues faced by modern globetrotting professionals. Certainly Emma Thompson’s Beatrice is reminiscent of the articulate, at times even stridently feminist, modern wom an who will not succumb to traditional notions of female subordination in marriage. Don Pedro’s comment to Beatrice â€Å"In faith, lady, you have a merry heart† (Act 2, Scene 1, line 293) underlines the potential that she has to lighten every scene and distract attention from her inner loneliness to her outer display of wit. There is more to Beatrice than meets the eye, and only in the presence of Benedick does she truly shine. This chemistry between the two characters is brought out to perfection in Branagh’s film, as the two often stand back to back, facing away from each other and firing off remarks into the surrounding crowd of onlookers. They studiously avoid intimate contact at first, but everyone knows that they are a fine match for each other, romantically as well as intellectually. The underlying tension between the two sets up a slow burning suspense that carries on throughout the play and film until it reaches its fulfilment in the closing scene. The

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Book review over Auschwitz A History by Sybille Steinbacher Essay

Book review over Auschwitz A History by Sybille Steinbacher - Essay Example Toxic gas, forced labor and starvation were a major cause of many deaths to those who opposed the Nazis rule or regime leading to the biggest graveyard in human history. This work seeks to review and assess SteinBacher’s historic on the origin of the concentration camps in the Germany. According to Steinbacher (7), he argues that Auschwitz was not a single camp but added up to 39 camps. This being a few weeks after the Nazis started ruling, the local civilian and the police created several camps all over Germany to detain those who opposed the ruling. There were numerous camps including Oranienburg, Esterwegen in Harmburg, Dachau in the northwest of Munich and Lichtenburg. These camps operated as an extermination center and industries which used slave forced labor with the Jews being inflicted with all forms of atrocities. It had never occurred before in a European nation such inhuman atrocities of entire people. Hitler the Nazi leader ordered the extermination of all Jews wit hout any favor even to the newborns. Estimates of 1.1 million people were believed to have suffered and died before the closure of the camps. The first concentration camp was constructed to confine Polish prisoners who started arriving in Germany from May 1940 with the first extermination taking place in September 1941. The camps were staffed by 6,500 – 7,000 Germans in the course of war and about 15% of them were later convicted of war crimes. On 27th January, 1944 the prisoners remaining in the camps were liberated (Steinbacher 32); it is believed and agreed by most historians that Auschwitz was as a result of the worst murderers legislative known to the history of Europe. According to Nuremberg Laws of 1935, the Jews were turned into biological vermin to be eradicated from the state of Aryan. Steinbacher (54) makes it clear that Stalinist Russia never had equivalent wretched servile and in his self explanatory memoir of Kommandant Hoss in Auschwitz remembers disturbing eve nts that evolved in the Auschwitz gas chambers. He continues to elaborate that the fact became so refined under Hoss that the condemned remained cheated until they were shut behind the doors of the fake shower rooms. According to Steinbacher, once people were dictated upon and deprived of their humanity it would become easy to kill them, a fact that modern dictators have known. The Jews who were enclosed in cattle trucks were very worn out by their journey that they were not considered as humans but as slaughter animals. Auschwitz personnel feigned their innocence about the moral consequences of their work by confining to their competence in their jobs of maintaining accurate arrivals records and train departure. Rees (Para. 5) believes that this is a powerful historical coverage by finding Steinbacher information relevant to what happened in Auschwitz. Steinbacher continues to win applause from most historians who agree that Auschwitz was as a result of most murderous legislative d ocument recorded in the history of Europe. This makes it clear that Steinbacher work is proved beyond reasonable doubt to be true. In conclusion, Steinbacher gives the chronological origin of concentration camps in Germany with the majority of those suffering the atrocities being Jews. He shows how the concentration camps came into being, how people suffered and those concentration camp's staff personnel pretending not to recognize the pain they were causing to

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Social Psychology - Persuation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Psychology - Persuation - Essay Example If the functional belief and experiential belief are strong enough to out weigh the negative forces / the effect of absence of advertisements, the effect of persuasion gets fulfilled and the brand gets automatically established. Symbolic belief is completely evoked and maintained by advertisements only. The claims normally made by advertisers work well at this symbolic belief system only. Seemingly convincing claims are propagated that easily get assimilated in the minds of listening people who find it no difficult to change their attitude and get persuaded at the convenience of advertisers. I would like to pick an advertisement that promotes some medicine for hair loss. It reads that liver diseases are the predictors of hair loss and cautions the consumers to be careful in using home remedies for hair loss. Is the claim of the advertiser scientifically correct' To analyze the strength of this claim we can conduct an experiment or quasi-experiment with two groups subjected under study. A control group comprising bald subjects without any liver diseases should be treated the same way as the experimental group of liver disease or diabetes. Since hair loss is usually due to hormonal dysfunction/imbalance, the factor of chronic illness becoming the predictor is within the limits of measurability. The illnesses that cause hair loss are generally lupus, diabetes and thyroid imbalance. As such the chronic illness of diabetes can be fixed as an independent variable and the impact of the disease on hair loss could be measured at varying conditions of diabetes. Bald patients could be selected from a cross section of medical care units or hospitals. Bald patients without diabetes could now be conveniently compared with those diabetic patients. The impact of liver disease on hair loss could also be measured at various levels of diabetes. Such confounding variables of levels of diabetes can be controlled at the control group. As long as the experiment is confined to the bald patients of diabetes, the impact of hair loss could be measured at various levels of diabetes in an effectively accurate manner and style if the experiment is properly conducted assigning the subjects randomly, that is by chance, to the experimental and control group so that no biases could sneak into the composition of control group. Similarly a control condition can also be used either for a single individual or for a group of patients. Instead of testing a separate group of bald patients, the same group of bald patients can be tested at a different time keeping everything the same as in the experimental condition except for the single experimental condition of diabetes alone i.e. the independent variable of interest. In this style of test, confounding the order of test with the condition-experimental against the control - would be effectively avoided and balancing he order of conditions for single individuals are carefully balanced. Limitations and conclusion: The viability of the experiment could be tested only to a limited source of independent variables, since the chronic illnesses that stand predictors of hair loss are a few like lupus, diabetes and thyroid dysfunction. Of these three independent variables, the thyroid dysfunction gets eliminated as the hormonal imbalance has little effect on liver derangement, which the advertiser ascribes to hair loss. Among the remaining two

Friday, September 6, 2019

Theory Application Paper Essay Example for Free

Theory Application Paper Essay I. INTRODUCTION Advertising is mass communication an advertiser pays for in order to convince a certain segment of the public to adopt ideas or take actions of benefit to the advertiser (The History of Advertising). In other words, advertising is a form of communication as well as a marketing function where the advertiser pays for the use of the communications media. It is non-personal (compared to personal selling) and has to be persuasive and convincing in order to sell or secure favorable consideration. The advertiser has to communicate facts and ideas to the public in such a way that the information fits the needs, wants, and interests of the public (Crisostomo 4). Although the goals of advertisements may differ from ad to ad, there are generalizations that can be made. The first would be that ads are made to sell products, ideas, or services. The actual sale may be immediate or eventual and it is accomplished through the mass media rather than the salesperson. The second generalization is that ads are there to develop goodwill and build prestige. This is accomplished through institutional or public-interest advertising. Ads are also there to pre-sell products. With brand advertising, corporations are able to condition the minds of consumers to be loyal to their brand and purchase their products in the future. Ads are also used to widen the demand for a product. This demand can be increased if the advertisement can demonstrate alternative ways of using the particular product. This requires an investigation of the primary, secondary, and potential uses of the product. Ads are also aimed to establish brand superiority. Although by itself, advertising does not create an industrial monopoly, it can lead to the  establishment of brand superiority and dominance. Another goal of advertising is to maintain patronage. Retail establishments, particularly, depend on advertising largely in order to maintain customer patronage. The last objective of advertising is to speed up the movement of merchandise. This is accomplished through the stimulation and expansion of demand (Crisostomo 14). To achieve these goals, an advertisement must appeal to human desires. There are two types of human desires: the primary wants and secondary wants (Gomez and Arante 52). In order for an ad to be effective, it must be continuous and long-term. It is said to consist of a cycle of three stages: introductory advertising, competitive advertising, and retentive advertising (Crisostomo 12). Advertising is a means of mass communication where words and symbols are required to convey the basic theme to the audience. Choosing the wrong word or symbol may give or arouse images that are contrary to the advertisers purpose. These words and symbols make up the elements of an advertisement. These elements, specifically, are: the copy, the headline, the images, and the logo (Crisostomo 184-195). For different mediums, different ways of writing advertising copies are done but must always be written from the consumers point of view. Many advertising copiers commit the error of writing television commercials in the same way they do radio copy. This must be avoided because television appeals to two senses (visual and aural) unlike the radio. Contrasting radio, crowding the commercial time with words will make it difficult for the viewer to retain the message (Crisostomo 185). The importance of headlines cannot be overemphasized. Some say that it represents 50-80% of the value of an advertisement (Crisostomo 141). Let us face it, the entire body of the commercial may be excellent and the visuals superb, but if the commercial does not grab the attention of the viewers right from the start, it may have just lost its audience. The headline, much like the copy, must stress the readers, not the advertisers interest (Crisostomo 145). People are more interested in images combined with words than with words alone. These images serve as symbols, which are more easily decoded by the viewer than word or verbal symbols. Ideas are conveyed more quickly and clearly through images. Images can associate the product with a person or a specific class (Crisostomo 194-195). The last element of an advertisement is the company logo or slogan. Placing this in an advertisement immediately separates the advertised product or service from the competitors product. A logo could attract buyers to a specific store or lend prestige to the products with consumer preference influenced by the association of the firms name with the advertised merchandise (Crisostomo 195). Each advertisement has to reach the maximum number of prospects per advertising peso. In the procedure of media selection, the researcher defines the market to be reached by studying the results of consumer surveys and market analysis. After doing so, can the advertiser decide which medium or medias to select wherein they can exhibit their advertisement. There is an overabundance of media for advertisers (Miranda 157). For this study, I will concentrate on the television medium. Although the costs of advertising on TV are quite expensive, television can sell by appealing to two senses sight and sound rather that to only one as most media do. Demonstration of product performance and exhibition of styles, color, designs, and other product features can be achieved. The sponsor also enjoys great flexibility in the presentation of this commercial (Miranda 197). The background given provides us with an idea of the definition of advertising, its purpose and goals, its different cycles and elements, and the importance of the television medium for advertisements. We know that  these advertisements are made in order to sway the public to buy the specific product but in todays world, we are constantly bombarded with advertisement messages left and right. With so many stimuli, is it still possible for an advertisement to motivate us to buy a certain product? Why did or why didnt that advertisement send us to the nearest store? What elements of a commercial will stimulate its viewers to buy, buy, and buy? Does the public still watch advertisements on TV and are affected by it or is the audience so flooded with so many advertisements that they turn cynical and it just turns into a game of Russian roulette for the advertisers? II. STUDY FRAMEWORK Theoretical Framework The Shannon-Weaver Model (McQuail 12) Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver produced a general model of communication a year after Laswells Communication Model (which might explain the similarities). Although they were principally concerned with communication technology, their model has become one representation of the system of human communication. The emphasis of this model is on the transmission and reception of the information. The Shannon-Weaver Model proposes that all communication must include six elements: the source, the encoder, the message, the channel, the decoder, and the receiver but this model also includes noise. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (Maslows Hierarchy of Needs) One aspect of communication is persuasion. Peoples needs motivate them to act and if those needs are identified, the source can motivate the receiver to do what he or she wants them to do. Abraham Maslow developed the table of the hierarchy of needs. He emphasizes  the need for self-actualization. According to Maslow, before a person achieves self-actualization, he or she must attain the four lower-level needs of the hierarchy (physical, safety, social, and esteem). His table attempts to have a holistic description of human motivation, considering a range of influences on human behavior. Two-Step Flow of Communication (Littlejohn 313) In 1940, Karl Lazarsfeld and his fellow researchers conducted a study on the effects of political mass communication. Their findings were published in The Peoples Choice in 1944. Their research was based on the hypodermic needle model of media influence. Based on their findings, they established that the media effects were minimal, the concept of the mass audience was misguided, and that social influences had a major effect on the process of opinion formation and greatly limited the medias effect. This model, later developed by Katz and Lazarsfeld, consists of a process where opinion leaders play a vital role. They concluded that our responses to media messages are mediated through our social relationships. It is false to think that the receivers are the mass audience because this implies that everyone is equal in their reception of media messages when the fact is there are some who play a more active role than others do. It debunks the hypodermic needle model because the model implies that receiving a message does not necessarily mean the receiver will respond to it. Rosengrens Uses and Gratifications (McQuail 76-77) The uses and gratification approaches to media, by Elihu Katz, asserts the active use of the media by the audience to seek the gratification of a variety of needs. This research on the media-audience relationship suggests that the audience is much less passive than once thought and that people actively and purposefully use the media according to their own circumstances. The medias effects can then be thought of as being dependent  on the functions that they perform for each member of the audience. According to the limited effects paradigm, the media will not influence a member of the audience if it does not fulfill or gratify a need. Audience members are held to be active and involved in their understanding and interpretation of the media and are not completely passive. Rosengrens version constitutes of eleven elements that relate to each other. The needs of the individual is the starting point and interacts with combinations of intra- and extra-individual characteristics and the surrounding societal structure. These in turn create problems and the perceived solutions. The combination of these two give birth to patterns of media consumption and patterns of behavior giving patterns of gratifications or non-gratifications which possible affect the individuals combination of intra- and extra-individual characteristics and the surrounding social structures. III. INTEGRATION OF THEORIES The source, as mentioned before, is a person or group of persons that have a reason or a purpose for engaging in communication. The source expresses this purpose in the form of a message. This message is formulated into some kind of code, which requires an encoder. The encoder is responsible for taking the ideas of the message and purpose of the source and transforming it into a code. The message is what the communication is all about. This is whatever is communicated in the message. Choosing the channel of communication is an important aspect in the communication process. The message is sent through the channel chosen. Noise is always present in communication. The noise may disrupt or distort the message that is being sent across. There are times when the message is not distorted by the noise, but when it does, the receiver may not get the  complete message or ideas that is being conveyed. Just as the source needs an encoder to translate his or her message, the receiver needs a decoder to translate the message. For communication to occur, there must be someone at the other end of the network. The information transmitter and the receiver must be similar systems in order for the communication to be successful. The receiver of the message has (because of his or her needs added with the knowledge he or she has gained from opinion leaders as well as his or her own characteristics) combinations of problems as well as perceived solutions to these problems. Once the receiver gets the message, he or she internalizes the message and decides whether or not the message falls into any of the categories of his needs putting importance on those that he has not achieved (according to the hierarchy). This gives him or her motives for attempts at gratification-seeking behavior that leads to his or her patterns of media consumption and other patterns of behavior. These are followed by patterns of gratification and non-gratification that could possibly affect the individuals combination of intra- and extra-individual characteristics and ultimately the media structure. The patterns of gratification and non-gratification also serve as the feedback to the source of the message and the cycle continues. IV. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Corporations exist to make money. In the cutthroat world of business, many say it pays to advertise. It seems like everyone has jumped on the bandwagon. Some advertisements may provide a few laughs, send a public service message, or seem like it has not point at all, but the bottom line is it serves to sell the companys products or services. The corporation hires an advertising agency to create a commercial that depicts the message or image the corporation wants. The advertising agency  chooses which medium is best suited for the ad. The commercial is aired. This commercial competes with many stimuli that are around. These distractions could be in the form of other commercials, other programs, or any events that are occurring when this commercial is aired. Because of the individuals needs, knowledge obtained from opinion leaders, and his or her own personal characteristics, the viewer has problems as well as perceived ways in which to solve them. These in turn make the individual seek out the solutions. When the viewer sees the commercial, he or she decides whether this would solve his or her problems. This will reveal how the individual will keep using the medium (i.e. if the viewer has just had a full meal, he or she will turn the channel when a commercial about food is on) as well as other behaviors (i.e. if the viewer sees a commercial about dishwashing liquid, it might motivate him or her to wash the dishes). The way in which the viewer uses the medium and his other behaviors will be precedents of how the individual fulfills his or her wants in the future which eventually will affect his or her personal characteristics as well as the structure of the media and attitudes of the opinion leaders. How the individual fulfills his or her wants in the future will also serve as the feedback to the corporations of how successful they were in getting their message across and the cycle continues. V. OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK There are many different types of corporations offering all kinds of products and services. These companies do not only exist to provide these goods and services but also, as mentioned before, to make a profit. Much like the corporations, there are numerous advertising agencies in the Philippines today. They are the ones who conceptualize advertisements that catch the eye of the viewers and entice them to spend their hard-earned cash  on products that they may or may not need. There are about as many advertisements as there are products, if not more. For this study, I wish to focus on the advertisements of a product that everyone buys and is relatively cheap. I also wish to focus on television, a medium that most people can access and appeals to both the visual and auditory senses. The distractions could be anything from the sound of a car passing by to other things that the individual is doing while watching TV. The viewer is considered as one who watches television. This viewer is exposed to many different TV programs as well as commercials. The viewer is motivated by certain desires such as material things, hunger, love and affection, acceptance, sex, etc. This viewer also has personal characteristics such as his or her likes and dislikes, attitudes toward certain issues or events, and the values he or she deems important. The viewer is exposed to many different opinions and it is due to his or her characteristics that he or she listens and accepts certain things opinion leaders (could be friends, celebrities, or someone he or she admires) say as true or as false. This could range from the political stand to what is considered cool or socially acceptable today. With all these in mind, the viewer then realizes that there are certain things he or she is lacking and considers these as problems. Examples of this could be hunger, boredom, or lack of a social life. However, with these problems come the viewers perceived solutions. Lets take the example of boredom. If the individual (viewer) is bored he or she might think of watching TV or going to the movies. Watching TV and going to the movies are things the individual thinks would get rid of his feeling of boredom. When the viewer comes up with his or her perceived solutions, he or she will seek out these solutions. Lets pick up from the boredom example again. Once the individual figures that going to a movie will solve his or her boredom dilemma, he or she will look through the newspapers for the movie times and listings, call a friend to ask what good movies are playing, or just drive to the movie theater and see whats playing. Now lets get back to the advertisement. Once the viewer is exposed to the advertisement, the factors mentioned earlier will determine other behaviors as well as how he or she will use the medium. For example, a teenage viewer (lets call him Andy) is exposed to a commercial about cigarettes. Andy feels like he is a nerd and does not have that many friends. From Andys personal characteristics, he finds cigarettes disgusting but he has the need to feel socially accepted and all the cool kids smoke so he decides to start smoking. He starts feeling cool and in with the crowd and starts gaining a few acquaintances. He wants to be popular so he copies what he sees on TV, fulfilling his desire to be accepted. Once Andy becomes socially accepted and is part of the cool crowd, his personality changes and the societal structure changes because now, Andy is one of the opinion leaders. This example is just one incident, one possibility, but if several of these incidents occur, these could serve as feedback to the corporation that their advertisement is effective. VI. DEFINITION OF TERMS Advertising Copy: This is the text of the advertisement that presents the advertisers message in a persuasive and convincing manner. Advertising Headline: This serves primarily to secure attention in an advertisement. Advertising Images: These also serves to secure attention in an advertisement as well as help the viewer understand the message the advertiser is trying to get across better. Advertising Logo: This is also known as the slogan, tag line, or the signature of the advertiser. Advertising Media: This includes newspaper, magazines, other literature (circulars, blotters, leaflets, booklets, shopping bags, wrappers, tags, labels), outdoor media (outdoor advertising signs, posters, poster panels, poster showings, painted signs, electric spectaculars, skywriting), internet, transportation advertising, point-of-sale advertising (window displays, counter cards and displays, clocks, floor stands and cutouts, etc), broadcast advertising (radio and TV), motion picture advertising, programs, directories, and matchbooks. Channel: This is the medium used. Competitive Advertising: This seeks to urge the consumers to choose their product or service over the competitors products and services. Decoder: This retranslates the message. Encoder: This is responsible for taking the ideas of the source and putting them in code, expressing the sources purpose in the form of a message. Esteem Needs: This refers to the feeling of value we feel when we achieve our goals. Feedback: This is the receivers response to the message. Hypodermic Needle Model: This assumed that the media transmits a message that would be automatically be absorbed by the viewer. Introductory Advertising: This is when the product, product features, service, idea, or cause is new to the public. Its main objective is to develop consumer awareness. Marketing: This is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer. Advertising is one of its tools. Message: This is whatever is communicated. Noise: This could be known as the physical noise (the unexplained variation in a communication channel) or semantic noise (this may be related to peoples knowledge level, their communication skills, their experience, their prejudices and so on). Opinion Leaders: These are people considered to be experts, have prominence, or have influence over others. Personal Selling: This is also known as salesmanship. It is the oldest known form of selling goods that comprises of direct, personal contact between the seller and the buyer wherein the buyer is orally persuaded by the seller to purchase the product. Physical Needs: These refer to the basic biological needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. Primary Wants: These are desires that are universal, more quickly aroused, and probably the strongest movers to action. They are those that are innate, biological, or unlearned. Receiver: This is the recipient (intended or unintended) of the message. Retentive Advertising: This is the stage where the advertiser attempts to develop or establish consumer loyalty by repeatedly keeping the public reminded of the name or brand of the product. Generally, the advertising message is brief and concise. Safety Needs: These refer to the need to feel secure. Secondary Wants: They are the desires that are acquired, sociogenic, or learned. Self-actualization: This is the realization of ones full potential as a human being. Social Needs: These refer to the needs to feel a sense of belongingness. Maslow claims that we have an innate need to affiliate with others in search for affection and love. Source: This refers to a person or group of persons with a given purpose, a reason for engaging in communication. VII. WORKS CITED Crisostomo, Isabelo T. Modern Advertising for Filipinos. Quezon City, Philippines: J. Kris Publishing Enterprises, 1967. Gomez, Julita R. and Lilia B. Arante. Advertising. Mandaluyong, Philippines: National Book Store, 1986. The History of Advertising. Littlejohn, Stephen. Theories of Mass Communication 7th Ed. Albuquerque, New Mexico: Wadsworth Group, 2002. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. McQuail, Dennis. Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communications. New York: Longman Inc., 1981. Miranda, Gregorio S. Advertising 3rd Ed. Mandaluyong, Philippines: National Book Store, 2000.